Muscular tension center

Massages Basel region

Medical massage and classical massage

The causes of tension and tensions are often stress or everyday work. The experienced massage therapists at Muscularia in Basel will help you effectively with pain, blockages and tension, because they know exactly which moves to use to ensure relaxation. This allows you to return to your everyday life and work without a care in the world. Through an in-depth consultation, our massage therapists in Basel create the perfect treatment concept for you and your complaints. By releasing tension and adhesions, pain is alleviated and the muscles are relaxed.

Activate self-healing of the body

Foot massages & foot reflexology

Our feet reflect our body and are like a map for our entire nervous system. Through precise treatment of the specific pressure points, the body as a whole can be relaxed and activated. Our massage therapists at Muscularia in the Basel region are able to target these pressure points and achieve lasting results due to years of experience and regular training. If you have any questions, our massage team in the Basel region will be happy to answer them at any time and explain the methods used in practice.

Lymphatic drainage & massage of the lymph nodes

In addition to regular muscular tension, congestion in the tissues can also cause pain and discomfort. With a manual lymphatic drainage or lymphatic massage in the Basel region, you can experience mental lightness and soon enjoy a significant improvement in your well-being thanks to rhythmic and stroking movements along the lymphatic channels of your body. These flowing movements reduce tissue congestion and promote the removal of accumulated lymph fluid. Thus, after a few intensive treatments, you will gain a new awareness of life and experience a new lightness in your everyday movements.

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), also called manual decongestive therapy, is an application that evolved from classical massage. It is an extremely effective therapy. Especially patients with heart disease or kidney dysfunction benefit from it. In addition to the decongestive effect, MLD has a calming and pain-relieving effect and has a positive effect on the immune system.

Release tension with trigger points

Trigger point therapy & trigger point massage

Trigger point therapy relieves tension and can be a sustainable treatment method for tense or "stiff" neck, for example, which is especially familiar to people working at a desk or computer in the office. The muscle points are so-called trigger points, these are responsible for the suppleness and functionality of the muscles. They give the body its shape. Fascia treatments can help with movement pain as well as widespread feelings of tension and strengthen your body posture. Slow and deep techniques are used to activate tense trigger points through professional trigger point therapy in the Basel region.

Connective tissue massages & function of connective tissue

The connective tissue as a whole has several different functions. In addition to the main task of enveloping and protecting organs, it serves as a conductive structure of body pathways. The connective tissue consists of extracellular matrix, also called intercellular mass, and is used for the transport of various substances. It is the largest interconnected tissue of our body and thus reaches every single corner. The connective tissue supplies our body with nutrients and transports cell excretions back. Thus, the connective tissue performs both a supplying and a detoxifying function. In addition, the connective tissue conducts nerve impulses. This is a very important function, since, for example, impulses for movement or pain are passed on. Another important function is the continuous stabilization of the PH value in the blood and the regulation of the body temperature.

A disorder in the connective tissue is therefore not only a cosmetic change, but can also have an influence on important bodily functions. Most people associate connective tissue with visual values such as stretch marks and cellulite, but there is much more behind the connective tissue. A connective tissue massage in the Basel region can be used for cellulite treatment, but can also successfully treat many other complaints.

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During each treatment your entire body is covered, only the part of the body to be massaged is exposed. Please let us know how we can make your treatment even more comfortable.

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We have both female and male therapists. Please indicate individual wishes in this regard when booking. Please inform us if you would like a specific therapist for your treatment.

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Cost absorption

Cost absorption by the health insurance companies is generally possible for our treatments if you have supplementary insurance for complementary medicine (VVG).

Just book & relax!

Massage practice in Basel

For a massage in the Basel area visit our massage center
for muscular tension at Leonhardstrasse 38 in Basel.
We are looking forward to your visit.

To book an appointment for a massage Basel region
use our booking system.

Questions & Answers 2023 Massages Basel Region

How long does a massage usually last?

A classic massage performed by a trained massage therapist can last 20 - 120 minutes, depending on the therapy. The so-called partial massage usually has a massage time of about 20 minutes, while a holistic massage can last well over an hour. We recommend a massage of at least 60 minutes, so that the massaged body regions are sufficiently activated.

What is a medical massage?

A medical massage stimulates the body's self-healing powers. A classic massage is recommended for tension, restrictions in movement, pain and tense areas of the body, as well as for the treatment and relaxation of the psyche.

What can a massage do?

A medical massage causes complete relaxation from the first minute. Hardened points are loosened and thus pain is treated sustainably. Tense muscles are loosened and fasciae are better supplied with blood. All in all, a medical massage is worthwhile for any ailment and to prevent worse.

What does massage mean?

The word massage is derived from the French word mas. The word massage is derived from the French word massieren (to massage), from the Greek word mas (to touch) or from the Arabic word kneten (to knead). Massage means to massage and knead specific parts of the body in order to achieve relaxation and relief in tense muscles and tendons.

How often can you do a foot reflexology massage?

The duration of a foot massage can be from 20 to 60 minutes. It can be applied about 2-3 per week, which may vary depending on the therapy tailored to your personal needs and complaints. A foot reflexology massage contributes in every way to increase your well-being.

What does reflexology do?

A foot reflexology therapy releases blockages in the whole body. It has a relaxing effect and improves the well-being of the whole body. In addition, the massage loosens the tissue, which allows the energy in the body to flow again and ensures that all areas of the body are supplied.

What is done during lymphatic drainage?

During manual lymphatic drainage, or lymphatic massage, special grip techniques are used to transport and remove lymphatic fluids in the lymphatic vessels and through the lymphatic channels. This type of treatment can be used successfully for many types of complaints.

What are trigger points in the body?

The myofascial system contains so-called trigger points. These trigger points are tense points, which can be identified by palpation as punctual tensions. These points are responsible for pain, both under stress and non-stress, and can also radiate to other parts of the body.

Can trigger points hurt?

A trigger point is easily palpable as a hard strand or nodule and is sensitive to pressure. Pain can be both in the area of the trigger point and radiating around the trigger point to other areas of the body, and can range from simple occasional pain to severe ongoing pain.

What is done during a connective tissue massage?

A connective tissue massage has both a balancing and regulating effect on the nervous system. It can relieve local adhesions and tensions. Through the reflex arc, pressure points on the upper skin can also positively influence the internal organs.

Leonhardsstrasse 38, 4051 Basel
Kohlenberg 13, 4051 Basel


Bar, Debit- und Kreditkarten, Twint

Wir haben Gutscheine für 30, 45 oder 60 Minuten.



Mo - Fr: 08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Samstag: 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Sonntag geschlossen

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