Connective Tissue Massage Basel
Positive influence on the internal organs
Connective Tissue Massage Basel
Connective tissue includes various types of tissue throughout the body. These include, for example, the skin, fasciae, ligaments or tendons. The connective tissue is, so to speak, a protective cover against mechanical influences from the outside, such as blows or impacts, and manages a variety of tasks on a daily basis. The connective tissue stabilizes the internal organs and regulates the heat dissipation of the body. Some experts even believe that our connective tissue should be considered as a sense organ.
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Tension
- Organ complaints
- Scar treatment
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatism
- Stress

What is the connective tissue massage?
Connective tissue massage is a manual stimulation therapy. It mainly involves massaging the connective tissue. Various skin, subcutaneous and fascia techniques are used. These have the effect that positive effects can be achieved not only at the massage site. The internal organs are influenced via nerve stimulation. The connective tissue massage is mainly applied to the back and performed in the area of the joints. Tension conditions are thus normalized and under- and over-tension in the back area are balanced. This massage technique is also used as a connective tissue massage for feet, abdomen, legs and face.
Therapy sequence
Connective tissue massage is also called subcutaneous reflex therapy (SRT). The massage uses a stroking and pulling technique. This is mainly performed with two fingers, the middle and ring finger. With one or two fingertips a pulling stimulus is caused at the connective tissue. The massage does not only affect the tissue layers. It has a segmental-reflective effect. This means that it also has an effect on organs and nerves. The bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles are also influenced. Due to the influence on vegetative regulatory mechanisms, self-healing powers are activated.
During the back massage is worked from the bottom up. The duration of the treatment is between ten and thirty minutes. The massage is performed on dry skin. No oils or creams are used. Due to the tensile stimulus, the massage technique can be painful, caused by adhesions in the tissues. Here the sensitivity of the therapist is required. The tensile stimulus is dosed individually. As a result of the treatment, reddening of the skin may occur due to increased blood circulation. However, this effect soon subsides. Following the treatment, a rest period of about half an hour is recommended.

Fields of application and contraindications
The therapy has a positive effect on blood circulation and lymph flow. It also affects the hormonal balance and acid-base balance. Likewise, a positive influence on digestion and the autonomic nervous system can be noted.
The most important areas of application include the loosening of adhesions and the balancing of tension in the connective tissue. In chronic diseases, the therapy activates healing reflexes. Another field of application is the treatment of scars. Here, the connective tissue massage can be used on the abdomen after pregnancy. Likewise, connective tissue massage can be used during pregnancy as well as during childbirth.
Among other things, connective tissue massage can bring relief in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is used, for example, in cases of arthrosis or rheumatic diseases. Stimulation massage can also help with diseases of the respiratory tract or digestive organs. A connective tissue massage in the face can bring relief in cases of stress and migraine, for example.
Massage should not be used in cases of acute inflammation or infections. As a first treatment, massage can be quite painful. For people who are used to massages, a block treatment is the most effective. In this way, the body is always stimulated anew.
Are the costs covered by the health insurance?
The medical massages of our therapists can be billed to your health insurance through the supplementary insurance for complementary medicine. We will be happy to assist you in clarifying the specific conditions applicable to you.

Questions & answers about connective tissue massage
We advise you not to eat saturated fats. This means chocolate, potato chips, cookies, etc.
Cellulite cannot disappear completely, but it can be greatly reduced by connective tissue massage, lymphatic drainage, a proper diet and enough exercise.
Mo - Fr: 08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Samstag: 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr
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