Trigger Point Therapy Basel
Relaxes muscles & connective tissue
Trigger Point Therapy Basel
With myofascial trigger point therapy, so-called myofascial trigger points, in the muscle are treated. Myofascial trigger points are painful, tense areas in a person's muscle. They affect both the muscle and the fascia. Trigger points are one of the most common causes of chronic musculoskeletal pain - so-called myofascial pain. They can occur anywhere on the body. Professional trigger point therapy relieves the tension and thus also the pain in the long term.
Areas of application trigger point therapy
Muscularia's therapists use trigger point therapy to:
- Pain relief for acute pain
- Release of movement restrictions
- Sustainable treatment of lumbago
- Treatment of migraine and headache
- Regulation of sensitivity disorders
- Elimination of disorders of equilibrium and dizziness

Mode of action of trigger point therapy
Trigger point therapy is based on certain pressure points in the body, which can be responsible for a wide variety of pain. Due to the frequent radiation of these pain points, the pain felt can also spread to other regions of the body. Often chronic pain can be traced back to these trigger points. Therefore, it is important to treat these pain points with trigger point therapy. Pain can be triggered by the treatment of these pain points, but these are within normal tolerable limits and contribute in the therapy to the improvement of chronic complaints.
How do trigger points develop?
The most common causes for the development of trigger points are overloading, overstretching and also incorrect loading of the musculature. Especially the daily work at the computer can lead to painful spots in the musculature in case of incorrect posture due to an incorrectly adjusted sitting position and screen angle. The therapist distinguishes between latent and active trigger points. Latent trigger points produce pain only through specific irritations, while active trigger points are felt permanently, during active movement as well as at rest. Our therapists at Muscularia locate the pain point as precisely as possible and can activate and release this trigger point using various pressure techniques. The targeted treatment of the trigger point improves blood circulation and promotes the release of any inflammation that may already be present.

The history of trigger point therapy
Research into muscle pain dates back to the distant past. However, the muscular system as the main trigger of pain was not considered for a long time. Especially in the last 100 years, people in this field made considerable progress in understanding muscular pain and its cause. Special attention has been paid to the "Swiss Approach to Trigger Point Therapy" by the Swiss physician Dr. med. Beat Dejung, who, together with a group of physiotherapists, developed the systematic manual trigger point therapy on which our offered treatments are based. With manual trigger point therapy, in addition to the so-called myofascial trigger points, the connective tissue and fascia are also treated.

Questions and answers
Besides the treatment with the hands or a "trigger point wood", trigger points can be deactivated by fine needles. First of all, the trigger points are localized by palpation in order to find the hardened area. Then this point is repeatedly massaged with pressure.
In trigger point massage, trigger points are specifically sought and then selectively stimulated using pressure techniques, for example. The so-called trigger points are released by a trigger point massage and can provide lasting relief and relaxation for the patient.
A common cause of the development of trigger points is incorrect strain or overload, for example during sports. Trigger points can also develop when working at a computer screen due to incorrect posture. These should then be solved by a massage therapist.
Trigger points can be called inflammatory reactions in the body and cause great pain. Then partly the pain can radiate to other parts of the body and lead to tension and persistent pain.
Mo - Fr: 08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
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