Classic Massage Basel
The oldest treatment method in the world.
Classic Medical Massage in Basel
A classic massage has many benefits. It gives strength and vitality, improves the oxygen supply to the muscles, and helps alleviate tissue pain. Muscles contain various metabolic by-products, and with a classic massage, the body finds it easier to transport them away, thus freeing the muscle from tension. Other positive effects of a classic massage include improved blood circulation, stimulated metabolism, and muscle relaxation.
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
- Muscle relaxation.
- Painful muscle tension.
- One-sided strain.
- Muscle injuries.
- Muscle strains.

Definition of the classic massage
Classical medical massage, or Swedish massage, is called KTM (Classical Massage Therapy) and is considered to be the oldest healing method of all. It is a manual therapy and it affects our muscles, tendons, connective tissue or fascia, but also the autonomic nervous system. In this technique different grip, traction and tapping techniques can be applied. The classical massage is used to loosen, stretch and circulate tissues in order to promote either targeted relaxation or activation. It is considered a therapeutic option for relaxing muscles, loosening adhesions and scars, improving wound healing, relieving pain and locally increasing blood circulation, also has an effect on the internal organs via reflex arcs.
Strokes are performed with both hands. Here, either parallel strokes or pressures can be applied. In the case of parallel strokes, the hands are pushed alternately against each other and pass over the skin. In the case of pressing, the hands lie side by side and a light pressure is applied to the tissue. Strokes are used at the beginning of the classic massage to get the patient in the right mood for the massage and to warm up the muscles. In addition, tensions and hardenings can already be felt.
The methodology of classical medical massage
Kneading (Petrissage)
Kneading releases tension and increases blood flow to the muscles to speed up the removal of metabolic products and tone and relax the muscles. During kneading, the muscles are moved against each other and stretched at the same time.

Rubbing (Friction)
Rubbing involves small, circular movements with the thumb and fingertips. These can reach deep into the muscles. This dissolves hard knots that are felt in the muscle tissue. The frictions are always performed with varying pressure.

Shake (Vibration)
This technique uses the palm of the hand or fingertips. The movements are directed to specific points of the musculature, with which a lasting relaxation is to be effected.the conclusion of the massage are stroking movements.

Tapping (Tapotement)
Tapping during massage relaxes the muscles and stimulates the nervous system. Differentiation is made between hard and soft tapping. Soft tapping has a muscle-relaxing effect, hard tapping is stimulating. The outer side of the little finger is used for tapping, alternatively the fingertips.

Top Massage in Basel
Neurophysiological effects
Particularly in the case of muscular tension, a classic massage - depending on the diagnosis - can be helpful. In most cases, however, one application is not enough; several massage appointments are usually indicated. Through the classical massage, the elasticity of the tissue and thus the tension can be normalized again.
Psychological effect
The psychological effect of a massage is also an important aspect. Especially patients with back or neck pain are often more tense and irritable. A classic back massage often works wonders, the patient is freed from his worries and can thereby also improve his mental state. Therefore, the classic massage, for example, is not only used in the field of health, but is also used in numerous wellness hotels and wellness facilities.Those who want to recover for a few days from stress and hectic, which, by the way, can definitely cause tension, can look forward to a classic medical massage and its psychological effect.
- Relaxation of the musculature.
- loosening of adhesions.
- Improvement of wound healing.
- Relaxation of the skin and connective tissue.
- Local increase of blood circulation.
- Pain relief - reduction of stress hormones.
- Improvement of cell metabolism.
- Effect on internal organs via reflex arches.
Indications & contraindications
Our classical massage Basel can be particularly useful in these areas:
- Muscle tension.
- Scars and adhesions between tissues, for example after operations.
- Pain in the muscular area.
Like all therapies, classical massage also involves risks. Therefore, as with all massage therapies, the different stages of discomfort and wound healing should be taken into account. As a rule, for example, classical massage should not be used within the first 48 hours after injuries. The attending physician will inform you about other diseases for which classical massage should not be used.

Questions & Answers
A medical massage is the specific manual manipulation of muscles and fascia. The prerequisite for a medical massage is the background knowledge of anatomy and pathology. Classical massage, connective tissue massage, lymphatic drainage and foot reflexology are combined, depending on the client's complaint.
Die medizinischen Massagen unserer Therapeuten können über die Zusatzversicherung für Komplementärmedizin bei Ihrer Krankenkasse abgerechnet werden. Gerne sind wir Ihnen bei der Abklärung der für Sie anwendbaren spezifischen Konditionen behilflich.
The medical massages of our therapists can be billed to your health insurance through the supplementary insurance for complementary medicine. We will be happy to assist you in clarifying the specific conditions applicable to you.
Frequent massages are recommended, with a massage lasting 60 minutes several times a week. Massages are healthy, promote blood circulation and increase general well-being.
Mo - Fr: 08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Samstag: 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Sonntag geschlossen
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