Muscular tension center
Medical Massage Basel
When is a medical massage useful?
A medical massage from our massage therapists in Basel becomes useful when there is pain or other conditions that need to be relieved. Painful areas of the body receive special attention during the treatment of a medical massage and are massaged using special massage techniques. In many cases, a medical massage in Basel is prescribed by a doctor when certain ailments or medical conditions are present.
What techniques are used in medical massage?
Medical massage techniques
The treatment of a medical massage includes a wide range of treatments and some techniques of medical massage, which can be summarized in five techniques. In general, it is recommended to make several treatment appointments, because a good result can be achieved only through several turns. The terms of the treatment techniques of a medical massage come from the French language, we explain below what is behind the terms and what exactly you can expect in a medical massage.

Massage techniques of a medical massage in Basel at a glance
1. Effleurage - the painting
Stroking, which is also called effleurage, is a basic technique of medical massage. It has several functions and is used in different phases of the classical massage in Basel. Stroking movements are performed with the palm of the hand, which is used to prepare for the following massage, in rest phases and also to distribute the massage oil. Thus, a continuous touch is guaranteed and constant relaxation is achieved.
2. Petrissage - The kneading
Kneading, which is also known as petrissage, is used to reach the tissues to release tension. It is an intensive technique, which is divided into two different variants. One variant of petrissage is performed using fingers such as the thumb, index and middle finger, while the other variant is achieved by vigorous kneading with the palm of the hand. This massage technique is applied only after the tissue has already been prepared by other techniques.
3. Friction - The friction
Friction - also called friction - is used to prepare and loosen muscle areas. Frictions are performed in circular movements and can vary in intensity as needed. Proper application is important here, as incorrectly applied friction can lead to injury. Only trained massage therapists have appropriate knowledge of this technique and can use it specifically.
4. Tapotement - The tapping
Tapping may sound strange at first, but it is one of the most effective massage techniques in medical massage Basel. A tapping is used to stimulate blood circulation, which increases muscle tone. Good blood circulation provides several benefits, both in the massage and afterwards. Metabolism is stimulated, which makes it easier to remove metabolic products and loosens hardening of the muscles.
5. Vibration - Shaking
Through vibration - a vibration of the muscles, specific points of the muscles are addressed. This technique is often used at the end of a medical massage. By vibrating the muscles, the deepest tensions in the tissue can be released and thus a lasting relaxation of the muscles can be achieved. Vibration of the musculature is usually followed by enfleurage.
A medical massage from massage therapist in Basel
Medical Massage Basel
Are you looking for a medical massage in Basel, Muscularia Basel is the right place for you. Our certified & trained massage therapists will discuss your medical history with you in a detailed anamnesis, in order to identify possible risks and to adapt the treatment of the medical massage perfectly to your individual needs. During a medical massage he feels blockages and misalignments, as well as tensions whereby he creates a suitable therapy.

Just book & relax!
Massage practice in Basel
For a medical massage in Basel visit our massage center
for muscular tension at Leonhardstrasse 38 in Basel.
We are looking forward to your visit.
To book an appointment for a medical massage Basel
use our booking system.
Questions & Answers 2022 - medical massages Basel
What is a medical massage?
A medical massage stimulates the body's self-healing powers. A classic massage is recommended for tension, restrictions in movement, pain and tense areas of the body, as well as for the treatment and relaxation of the psyche.
What can a massage do?
A medical massage causes complete relaxation from the first minute. Hardened points are loosened and thus pain is treated sustainably. Tense muscles are loosened and fasciae are better supplied with blood. All in all, a medical massage is worthwhile for any ailment and to prevent worse.
What does massage mean?
The word massage is derived from the French word mas. The word massage is derived from the French word massieren (to massage), from the Greek word mas (to touch) or from the Arabic word kneten (to knead). Massage means to massage and knead specific parts of the body in order to achieve relaxation and relief in tense muscles and tendons.
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