
Questions & Answers

We have answered frequently asked questions for you here

Classic massage

A medical massage is the specific manual manipulation of muscles and fascia. The prerequisite for a medical massage is the background knowledge of anatomy and pathology. Classical massage, connective tissue massage, lymphatic drainage and foot reflexology are combined, depending on the client's complaint.

The medical massages of our therapists can be billed to your health insurance through the supplementary insurance for complementary medicine. We will be happy to assist you in clarifying the specific conditions applicable to you.

A medical massage ( includes classical massage, connective tissue massage, lymphatic drainage or foot reflexology ) costs:

  • 30 Minutes 60.00
  • 45 Minutes 90.00
  • 60 Minutes 120.00
  • 90 Minutes 180.00

Connective tissue massage

We advise you not to eat saturated fats. This means chocolate, potato chips, cookies, etc.

Cellulite is basically nothing else than strongly agglutinated fasciae. A connective tissue massage and/or lymphatic drainage can have a great influence on the reduction of cellulite. However, diet, exercise and sufficient sleep are also important.

Cellulite cannot disappear completely, but it can be greatly reduced by connective tissue massage, lymphatic drainage, a proper diet and enough exercise.

Foot Reflexology Massage

The medical massages of our therapists can be billed to your health insurance through the supplementary insurance for complementary medicine. We will be happy to assist you in clarifying the specific conditions applicable to you.

A foot reflexology massage can take place in 2 variations. On the one hand, it can be used to generate mental relaxation or it can be done with strong stimuli. The stronger the stimulus, the stronger the response. In this case, the therapist wants to balance the homeostasis of the body (reflective effect on organs and musculoskeletal system).

A foot reflexology massage costs:

  • 90 Minutes CHF 180.00
  • 60 Minutes CHF 120.00
  • 45 Minutes CHF 90.00
  • 30 Minutes CHF 60.00

Lymphatic drainage

The medical massages of our therapists can be billed to your health insurance through the supplementary insurance for complementary medicine. We will be happy to assist you in clarifying the specific conditions applicable to you.

The tissue or fascia, are gently and rhythmically shifted in a certain direction. It is a form of therapy that is incredibly pleasant and, among other things, can make you fall asleep. Nevertheless, it is a highly efficient form of therapy - this is also scientifically proven.

Lymphatic drainage has the advantage that it allows the accumulated fluid in the tissues, which among other things contain a lot of waste, to drain twice to three times faster than the body can normally manage. It is the support of the lymphatic system. In other words, it is an energy boost for our immune system. It can be used for:

  • Heavy feeling in the legs and arms.
  • Swollen areas of the body.
  • Sore muscles after sports.
  • Bruises.
  • Post Operative.
  • Vegetative problems.
  • Chronic pain.
  • After inflammatory episodes of rheumatism, gout.
Leonhardsstrasse 38, 4051 Basel
Kohlenberg 13, 4051 Basel


Bar, Debit- und Kreditkarten, Twint

Wir haben Gutscheine für 30, 45 oder 60 Minuten.



Mo - Fr: 08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Samstag: 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Sonntag geschlossen

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